About us


Growing up I was taught that when you were feeling down about yourself or having a bad day, if you decided to focus on someone else and do something nice for them, you would then feel better inside. Being a generally positive an optimistic person, it became hard as a mom, when I watched my 8 year old daughter begin to compare herself to others and struggled to feel good about herself. Her bad attitude about herself, began to affect the attitude in our home. I knew I needed to act fast to come up with a plan to change things for her. That is when I remembered what my mom had taught me, when I was down to be nice to others. I ran to my local gift shop to see if I could find something to help. That is when I spotted the cutest little wool mice. They were perfect, they could be called “the nice mice”. I quickly wrote a letter to my daughter explaining who they were and that they had come to help her be nice to others. From the minute she saw them, she was hooked, and began doing nice deeds for others. It wasn’t long before we could see a positive change in the way she viewed not only others, but most importantly herself. It was such a great transformation, that I wanted to share my idea with others and hopefully, be able to help other children feel good about themselves and change the world one nice deed at a time.


One day a package with some mice and some playing cards showed up at my house. The concept was simple, take these cute mice into your home and let them help teach your children how to be kind. 

I loved the idea. I thought it was so clever. It wasn’t until several months later, when I was telling my sister about these mice, that she informed me that she was the creator of The Nice Mice. Our mother had given them to my family as a gift. A few few years later, some tweaks here and there, and The Nice Mice was born.

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